French Citizenship


How do I get my French Citizenship?

France is a country that only allows for descent – e.g. nationality from the parent.

Although it does allow for restoration of the generation beforehand to claim this right.

You are already French if:

  1. you were born (or adopted) outside of France to a parent who was a French National at the time of your birth; and that  
  2. Parental Responsibility was established when you were a minor
French Citizenship

French Citizenship via Grandparents

If your grandparent was French and your parent was born abroad, your parent must first claim their nationality.

You must also have some connections to France or associations with France.

The criteria of  possession d’état de Français, translates to ‘contact with France.’ 

If the contact / connection with France elapses for over 50 years (e.g. no Passport renewals, voter registrations or the like) and residence has been outside of France, you will have lost your eligibility to apply.

UNLESS . . .

You can prove French cultural, professional, family, military or economic connections and in those instances, you may be allowed to apply outside of this time scale.

For more information or to discuss your personal circumstances, please contact me.